A district unique to Mali specializing in finance and trade that replaces the Commercial Hub, gains major adjacency bonus when adjacent to Holy Site Districts. Enable purchasing Districts with Gold in this city. Units, Buildings, and Districts are 15% cheaper to purchase with Gold and Faith in this City.
+2 Gold from all domestic Trade Routes originated from this city. +1 Culture and +1 Science from all international Trade Routes originated from this city. +1 Food to Pastures over bonus resources in this city.
Adacency Bonus
+3 Gold from each adjacent Canal tile.
+2 Gold from each adjacent Container Port tile.
+2 Gold from each adjacent Cothon tile.
+1 Gold from each adjacent Diplomatic Quarter tile.
+1 Gold from each adjacent tile.
+1 Gold from each adjacent Government Plaza tile.
+2 Gold from each adjacent Corporation tile.
+1 Gold from each adjacent Industry tile.
+2 Gold from each adjacent Hansa tile.
+2 Gold from each adjacent Harbor tile.
+2 Gold from each adjacent Holy Site tile.
+2 Gold from each adjacent Lavra tile.
+2 Gold from each adjacent luxury resource tile.
+2 Gold from each adjacent Pamukkale tile.
+1 Gold for having an adjacent river tile.
+2 Gold from each adjacent Royal Navy Dockyard tile.
+2 Gold from each adjacent Warehouse tile.