A district in your city specializing in finance and trade. +2 Gold from Trade Routes starting from this city. +1 Food to Pastures over bonus resources in this city.
Adacency Bonus
+3 Gold from each adjacent Canal tile.
+2 Gold from each adjacent Container Port tile.
+2 Gold from each adjacent Cothon tile.
+1 Gold from each adjacent Diplomatic Quarter tile.
+1 Gold from each adjacent tile.
+1 Gold from each adjacent Government Plaza tile.
+2 Gold from each adjacent Corporation tile.
+1 Gold from each adjacent Industry tile.
+2 Gold from each adjacent Hansa tile.
+2 Gold from each adjacent Harbor tile.
+2 Gold from each adjacent luxury resource tile.
+2 Gold from each adjacent Pamukkale tile.
+1 Gold for having an adjacent river tile.
+2 Gold from each adjacent Royal Navy Dockyard tile.
+2 Gold from each adjacent Warehouse tile.