A district unique to Gaul that is cheaper than the district it replaces, the Industrial Zone. The Oppidum district is defensible with a ranged attack. +2 Food, and +1 Food bonus for each adjacent district. -1 Appeal to adjacent tiles.
+1 Production for Quarries and Lumber mills over bonus resources in this city.
Adacency Bonus
+2 Production from each adjacent Aerodrome tile.
+2 Production from each adjacent Cistern tile.
+2 Production from each adjacent Aqueduct tile.
+3 Production from each adjacent Canal tile.
+2 Production from each adjacent Container Port tile.
+1 Production from each adjacent Cothon tile.
+1 Production from each adjacent Harbor tile.
+1 Production from each adjacent Royal Navy Dockyard tile.
+2 Production from each adjacent Dam tile.
+1 Production from each adjacent Diplomatic Quarter tile.
+1 Production from every 2 adjacent tiles.
+1 Production from each adjacent Government Plaza tile.
+2 Production from each adjacent Corporation tile.
+1 Production from each adjacent Industry tile.
+1 Production from every 2 adjacent Lumber Mill tiles, becomse obsolete with Construction.
+1 Production from each adjacent Lumber Mill tile, requires Construction.
+1 Production from every 2 adjacent Mine tiles, becomse obsolete with Metal Casting.
+1 Production from each adjacent Mine tile, requires Metal Casting.
+1 Production from every 2 adjacent Quarry tiles, becomse obsolete with Apprenticeship.
+1 Production from each adjacent Quarry tile, requires Apprenticeship.
+1 Production from each adjacent Offshore Oil Rig tile.
+1 Production from each adjacent Oil Well tile.
+1 Food from each adjacent tile.
+2 Food.
+1 Production from each adjacent strategic resource tile.
+2 Production from each adjacent Warehouse tile.