Unique Improvements
Unlocks the Builder ability to construct a Quarry.

+1 [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production. Additional +1 [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production from each adjacent Industrial Zone District (except Hansa District). -1 Appeal to all adjacent tiles.

Can only be built on valid resources. If built on a Luxury resource, the city will gain use of that resource.

For each city that owns a Quarry, +10% Production when building ancient and classical Wonders and 5% when building medieval era or renaissance era Wonders. Doubles when the city owns a second Quarry.
Adacency Bonus
+1 [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production from each adjacent Industrial Zone tile.
+1 [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production from each adjacent Oppidum tile.
+1 [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production
+1 [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production, requires Gunpowder
+1 [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production, requires Engineering
+1 [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production, requires Predictive Systems
-1 appeal to adjacent tiles
plunder yields: 50 [ICON_GOLD] Gold