Common Improvements
Open-Air Museum
Unlocks the Builder ability to construct an Open-Air Museum, unique to Sweden.

+1 [ICON_CULTURE] Culture for every type of Terrain in your territory. +1 [ICON_SCIENCE] Science for every type of Feature or Natural Wonder in your territory. One per city.

Types of Terrain include Grassland, Plains, Desert, Snow, Tundra and the corresponding Hills and Mountain, as well as Water and Ocean. Types of Feature include Floodplains on Grassland, Plains and Desert, Woods and Rainforest, Oasis, Marsh and Swamp, Reef and Kelp Forest, Geothermal Fissure, Volcano and Volcanic Soil, as well as Ice.

Once Buttress is unlocked it can also be built on Floodplains.
Unique To
plunder yields: 25 [ICON_FAITH] Faith
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