Common Improvements
Unlocks the Builder ability to construct a Moai.

+2 [ICON_CULTURE] Culture. +2 [ICON_CULTURE] Culture if on or adjacent to a Volcanic Soil. +1 [ICON_CULTURE] Culture if adjacent to Coast or Lake. +1 [ICON_CULTURE] Culture for every 2 adjacent Moai or for every adjacent Moai after progress 'Medieval Faires' Civic. Can be built on Plains, Plains Hills, Grassland, Grassland Hills, or Volcanic Soil. Cannot be built adjacent to Woods or Rainforests.

Once Buttress is unlocked it can also be built on Floodplains.
Adacency Bonus
+1 [ICON_CULTURE] Culture from every 2 adjacent Moai tiles, becomse obsolete with Medieval Faires.
+1 [ICON_CULTURE] Culture from each adjacent Moai tile, requires Medieval Faires.
Unique To
+2 [ICON_CULTURE] Culture
plunder yields: 25 [ICON_FAITH] Faith
Built By