Unique Improvements
Unlocks the Builder ability to construct a Camp.

+1 [ICON_FOOD] Food. +2 [ICON_GOLD] Gold for each adjacent Commercial Hub District.

Can only be built on valid Resources. Once Archery is unlocked it can also be built on Forests. Once Guilds is unlocked it can also be built on Rainforest.

If built on Luxury resources, the city will gain use of that Resource.
Adacency Bonus
+2 [ICON_GOLD] Gold from each adjacent Commercial Hub tile.
+2 [ICON_GOLD] Gold from each adjacent Floating Market tile.
+2 [ICON_GOLD] Gold from each adjacent Suguba tile.
+1 [ICON_FOOD] Food
+1 [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production, requires Construction
+1 [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production, requires Medieval Faires
+1 [ICON_FOOD] Food, requires Evolution Theory
+2 [ICON_GOLD] Gold, requires Synthetic Materials
+0.5 [ICON_HOUSING] housing
plunder yields: 25 [ICON_FAITH] Faith