Common Improvements
Unlocks the Builder ability to construct a Stepwell, unique to India.

+2 [ICON_FOOD] Food and +1 [ICON_HOUSING] Housing. +2 [ICON_FAITH] Faith from every Holy Site district. +1 [ICON_FAITH] Faith from each adjacent Farm or Plantation tile. +1 [ICON_FOOD] Food to adjacent Farm and Plantation tiles. Additional [ICON_FAITH] Faith as you advance through the Civics Tree. Cities with a Stepwell receive +1 [ICON_AMENITIES] Amenity, [ICON_CITIZEN] citizens in these cities provide +0.5 [ICON_FOOD]. Prevents [ICON_FOOD] Food loss during Drought. Cannot be built on Hills or adjacent to another Stepwell.

Once Buttress is unlocked it can also be built on Floodplains.
Adacency Bonus
+1 [ICON_FAITH] Faith from each adjacent Farm tile, becomse obsolete with Reformed Church.
+2 [ICON_FAITH] Faith from each adjacent Farm tile, requires Reformed Church.
+2 [ICON_FAITH] Faith from each adjacent Holy Site tile, becomse obsolete with Divine Right.
+4 [ICON_FAITH] Faith from each adjacent Holy Site tile, requires Divine Right.
+1 [ICON_FAITH] Faith from each adjacent Plantation tile, becomse obsolete with Reformed Church.
+2 [ICON_FAITH] Faith from each adjacent Plantation tile, requires Reformed Church.
Unique To
+2 [ICON_FOOD] Food
+1 [ICON_HOUSING] housing
plunder yields: 25 health
Built By