Unique Improvements
Unlocks the Builder ability to construct a Plantation.

+1 [ICON_FOOD] Food. +2 [ICON_GOLD] Gold if adjacent to fresh water or Cistern after researching Irrigation Technology (obsolete with Feudalism Civic). +2 [ICON_GOLD] Gold from each adjacent Commercial Hub District.

Can only be built on valid resources. If built on Luxury resources, the city will gain use of that resource.
Adacency Bonus
+2 [ICON_GOLD] Gold from every 2 adjacent Hacienda tiles, requires Banking.
+2 [ICON_GOLD] Gold from each adjacent Commercial Hub tile.
+2 [ICON_GOLD] Gold from each adjacent Floating Market tile.
+1 [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production from every 2 adjacent Hacienda tiles.
+2 [ICON_GOLD] Gold from each adjacent Suguba tile.