Unique Improvements
Container Port
Unlocks the Tycoon ability to construct a Container Port.

Must be built on a Lake/Coast tile next to a Luxury resource in the territory of another Civilization or City-State with whom you have Open Borders. Cannot be built adjacent to another Container Port.

+10 [ICON_GOLD] Gold to any Corporation dedicated to a Luxury Resource adjacent to the Container Port. International [ICON_TRADEROUTE] Trade Routes to this City provide +4 [ICON_GOLD] Gold and +1 [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production, and additional +1 [ICON_GOLD] Gold and +1 [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production for each Corporation owned by the Civilization who built this Container Port.
+3 [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production
+6 [ICON_GOLD] Gold
+2 [ICON_GOLD] Gold, requires Plastics
plunder yields: 100 [ICON_GOLD] Gold
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