Common Improvements
Coastal Polder
Unlocks the Builder ability to construct a Coastal Polder, unique to Netherlands.

+1 [ICON_FOOD] Food, +1 [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production and +0.5 [ICON_HOUSING] Housing. +1 [ICON_FOOD] Food for every 2 adjacent Coastal Polder or Floodplain Polder tiles. Additional [ICON_FOOD] Food and [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production as you advance through the Civics and Technology Tree. Must be placed on a Lake or Coast tile adjacent to passable land tile.Can be built on Reef. Increases [ICON_MOVEMENT] Movement Cost by 1.
Adacency Bonus
+1 [ICON_FOOD] Food from every 2 adjacent Floodplain Polder tiles, becomse obsolete with Feudalism.
+1 [ICON_FOOD] Food from each adjacent Floodplain Polder tile, requires Feudalism.
+1 [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production from every 2 adjacent Floodplain Polder tiles, requires Shipbuilding, becomse obsolete with Mass Production.
+1 [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production from each adjacent Floodplain Polder tile, requires Mass Production.
+1 [ICON_FOOD] Food from every 2 adjacent Coastal Polder tiles, becomse obsolete with Feudalism.
+1 [ICON_FOOD] Food from each adjacent Coastal Polder tile, requires Feudalism.
+1 [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production from every 2 adjacent Coastal Polder tiles, requires Shipbuilding, becomse obsolete with Mass Production.
+1 [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production from each adjacent Coastal Polder tile, requires Mass Production.
Unique To
+1 [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production
+1 [ICON_FOOD] Food
+0.5 [ICON_HOUSING] housing
plunder yields: 25 [ICON_FAITH] Faith
Built By