Common Districts
A district unique to Phoenicia for naval activity in your city. Replaces the Harbor district and cheaper to build. Must be built on Coast or Lake Terrain adjacent to land. +2 [ICON_HOUSING] Housing if this city is adjacent to a Coast or a Lake. Fishing Boats provide +1 [ICON_FOOD] Food in this city. +15% growth rate for this city.

+30% [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production towards naval units, +50% [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production towards Settlers in this city. All wounded naval units in this city’s borders heal +100 HP each turn. Allows Settlers to embark.
Adacency Bonus
+2 [ICON_GOLD] Gold from each adjacent Container Port tile.
+1 [ICON_GOLD] Gold from each adjacent Diplomatic Quarter tile.
+1 [ICON_GOLD] Gold from each adjacent tile.
+1 [ICON_GOLD] Gold from each adjacent Government Plaza tile.
+2 [ICON_GOLD] Gold from each adjacent Corporation tile.
+1 [ICON_GOLD] Gold from each adjacent Industry tile.
+1 [ICON_GOLD] Gold from each adjacent City Center tile.
+2 [ICON_GOLD] Gold from each adjacent sea resource tile.
+2 [ICON_GOLD] Gold from each adjacent Warehouse tile.
Unique To
+1 [ICON_GREATADMIRAL] Great Admiral points
+1 [ICON_CITIZEN] citizen slot
plunder yields: 50 [ICON_GOLD] Gold
Citizen Yields
+2 [ICON_FOOD] Food
+4 [ICON_GREATADMIRAL] Great Admiral points
Trade Yields
Domestic Destination
+1 [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production
International Destination
+3 [ICON_GOLD] Gold
Production Cost
60 [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production