Establishes in 3 turns. +100% Religious Pressure and +4 [ICON_GREATPROPHET]Great Prophet Points from the city.
Apostle, Missionary, Guru and Inquistor trained in the city have +1 [ICON_MOVEMENT] Movement and +1 Charge. Warrior Monk trained in the city have +1 [ICON_MOVEMENT] Movement. May purchase Holy Site district buildings with [ICON_FAITH] Faith.
Justice by Faith
All Holy Sites within 6 tiles of the city gain +100% adjacency bonuses, and +2 [ICON_AMENITIES] Amenity.
Divine Architect
Allows the city to purchase Districts with [ICON_FAITH] Faith. Allow the city to build one more district than the [ICON_CITIZEN] Population limit allows. Districts are 20% cheaper to purchase with [ICON_GOLD] Gold and [ICON_FAITH] Faith in this City.
Patron Saint
All Districts within 6 tiles of the city provide +4 [ICON_FAITH] Faith.
Oecumenical Patriarch
Apostles and Warrior Monks trained in the city receive 1 extra promotion when receiving their first one. Relics in the city produce +300% [ICON_TOURISM] Tourism and +50% [ICON_FAITH] Faith.