All Builders trained in the city get +1 build charge and +1 [ICON_MOVEMENT] Movement.
Architecture Master
The city gets +20% production speed towards Wonders. When a Wonder is completed in the city, gain Great Engineer points equal to 20% of the cost. +100% Wonders basic yield in the city.
Rural Planning
Improved tiles in the City have +1 [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production. Each [ICON_CITIZEN] Citizen in the city provides +0.5 [ICON_PRODUCTION] Production.
The city's improvements, buildings, and Districts cannot be damaged by Environmental Effects. +100% Districts adjacency yields in the city
All improvements and National parks in the city provide +200% extra [ICON_TOURISM] Tourism. Allows you to construct the City Park improvement across your nation when the 'Urbanization Civic' is unlocked.
Parks and Recreation
Can construct the City Park improvement in this city. Provides +1 [ICON_CULTURE] Culture, and adjacent tiles receive +2 Appeal. Cannot be placed adjacent to another City Park. When Liang is established in the city, City Parks provide +1 of all yields to all adjacent tiles.