All Builders trained in the city get +1 build charge and +1 Movement.
Architecture Master
The city gets +20% production speed towards Wonders. When a Wonder is completed in the city, gain Great Engineer points equal to 20% of the cost. +100% Wonders basic yield in the city.
Rural Planning
Improved tiles in the City have +1 Production. Each Citizen in the city provides +0.5 Production.
The city's improvements, buildings, and Districts cannot be damaged by Environmental Effects. +100% Districts adjacency yields in the city
All improvements and National parks in the city provide +200% extra Tourism. Allows you to construct the City Park improvement across your nation when the 'Urbanization Civic' is unlocked.
Parks and Recreation
Can construct the City Park improvement in this city. Provides +1 Culture, and adjacent tiles receive +2 Appeal. Cannot be placed adjacent to another City Park. When Liang is established in the city, City Parks provide +1 of all yields to all adjacent tiles.