Military Policies
Economic Policies
Great Person Policies
Diplomatic Policies
Wildcard Policies
Legacy Policies
Dark Age Policies
Sky and Stars
Golden Age
Sky and Stars Golden Age:
Unlocks the [ICON_TECHBOOSTED] Eurekas for Satellites, Nuclear Fusion, and Nanotechnology if in the Information Era. When chosen in the Future Era the [ICON_TECHBOOSTED] Eurekas for Smart Materials, Predictive Systems, and Offworld Mission are unlocked. +100% XP earned for all Air Units. Aluminum mines accumulate +2 more resources per turn.
Normal Age
Sky and Stars Dedication Bonus:
Gain +1 Era Score for each Aerodrome building constructed. Gain +1 Era Score each time a [ICON_GREATPERSON] Great Person is earned or purchased.
Dark Age
Sky and Stars Dedication Bonus:
Gain +1 Era Score for each Aerodrome building constructed. Gain +1 Era Score each time a [ICON_GREATPERSON] Great Person is earned or purchased.
Information Era
Future Era