Bonus Resources
Plantation Luxuries
Mine Luxuries
Camp Luxuries
Quarry Luxuries
Fishing Boats Luxuries
Strategic Resources
Artifact Resources
Pasture Luxuries
Farm Luxuries
Lumber Mill Luxuries
Industry Effect
+2 [ICON_CULTURE] Culture, +3 [ICON_GOLD] Gold to Camps, Lumber Mills and Plantations over resources in this city.
Corporation Effect
+2 [ICON_CULTURE] Culture, +3 [ICON_GOLD] Gold to Camps, Lumber Mills and Plantations over resources in this city.
全国来自改良和国家公园的 [ICON_TOURISM] 旅游业绩+25%,来自奇观的 [ICON_TOURISM] 旅游业绩+100%。剧院、游乐园区和水上公园提供+10 [ICON_TOURISM] 旅游业绩。